Published Date: March 13th, 2011
Finished Date: February 9th, 2012
Publishers: Simon & Schuster
Source: Bought - 2012 TBR Reading Challenge
Format: Kindle
Pages: 368
The Blurb from Goodreads: Sophie Mercer's first term at Hex Hall turned out to be quite eventful. First the ghost of her evil grandmother haunted her every move, then her best friend was accused of murder and of course there was the discovery that Archer Cross, aka the boy of her dreams, was actually an undercover demon hunter - which would probably be something she could have worked on, if she hadn't also discovered that she was actually the demon Archer was hunting…
So, despite their issues, Sophie is actually relieved to be spending the summer in London with her father. But when your father is Head of The Council of Prodigium and your summer is being spent at the headquarters of everything magical, then a quiet holiday isn't really that likely. And, as Sophie struggles to come to terms with her new found demon powers, she finds herself thrust once again into a world of dark magic and conspiracies. The only thing that could possibly make things more complicated would be for Archer Cross to show up again, which of course he wouldn't, would he?
The Review: “This thing with us is the only real thing I've had in a long time. You're the only real thing." He raised our hands and kissed my knuckles. "And I'm done pretending I don't want you.”I read the first book of this series sometime last year and I was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed it but I just haven’t been able to find time to read book two. However, when I was offered an advanced copy of the final book Spell Bound, it was a great opportunity because now I finally had an excuse to read Raising Demons and overall, this book seriously kicks ass!
This time around we see Sophie Mercer trying to move on from the shocking events that happened in Hex Hall. She’s trying to get over her former crush Archer, she’s trying to come to terms with her demon heritage and she’s trying to get over the death of a friend. When Sophie’s father offers to take her to London - it is there where she wants her power removed and only the council can grant her wish. But when she starts to learn to use her power, does she really want them removed? And with a deadly war on the verge of starting, will she need her powers to help them win?
I definitely enjoyed Raising Demons more than Hex Hall so that’s why it gets 3.5 out of 5 for me. It’s definitely a series that is full of laughs with fantastic banter and it’s a very light and intriguing read. One that you can easily read on a quiet afternoon and will keep you gripped through out. I don’t feel it’s an amazing series but definitely an enjoyable and memorable one.
I felt the story this time around was more enjoyable because we’d got past that ‘getting to know the character stage’ so I felt more connected with them and I loved how easy it was to slip back into Sophie’s head. I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in ages from her snarky and funny comments which are very entertaining. Does anyone else think this series would make an awesome TV show? Rachel Hawkins definitely knows how to keep us entertained and if it was ever made into one, I’d watch it! =)
I’m so glad that we got reunited with Archer in this book – *sigh* I love him! Even though I do like Cal and if Archer wasn’t there, maybe just maybe I’d be on his team but it’s hard to not love Archer. So I’m completely and totally 100% TEAM ARCHER! He and Sophie just bounce off one another other, they connect to one another and I really feel they are true soul mates. I really adore their relationship despite the challenges they face. And their banter….wow……..
“It just seems like overkill when you already have a dagger and I have super-powerful magic at my disposal.”
“Super-powerful?” He stood up, a gold chain dangling from his fingers. “Let me remind you of two words, Mercer: Bad. Dog.” – Archer and Sophie
“We could argue in front of our lockers all dramatically," I said. "That's something I saw a lot at human high schools."
He squeezed me in a quick hug. "Yes! Now that sounds like a good time. And then I could come to your house in the middle of the night and play music really loudly under your window until you took me back."
I chuckled. "You watch too many movies. Ooh, we could be lab partners!"
"Isn't that kind of what we were in Defence?"
"Yeah, but in normal high school, there would be more science, less kicking each other in the face."
"Nice.” – Archer and Sophie
Can you see what I mean? Such a comical but loving relationship. I love it!
Overall, Raising Demons was a fun, exciting and easy read and a great sequel to Hex Hall. Now on to Spell Bound.

Yay Team Archer! ;)
Great review as always, Donna! I completely agree that Sophie's comments are laugh-out-loud funny. The humour in the Hex Hall books are partly the reason why I love them so much. :D
And yes! These books would make a GREAT TV series! More so than a movie, I think. :) I would definitely watch it, too!
I can't wait to hear your final thoughts on Spell Bound. :D
e foarte tare nu pot sa cred cate se intampla si credetima si mie mi s-a intamplat la fel cum i s-a intamplat lu` sophi .sfaturi
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