Release Date: May 31st, 2013
Finished Date: May 10th, 2013
Publishers: Self - Published
Source: For Review
Source: For Review
After escaping from the Hollows and the Michaelea lightwarriors, Jordan takes Alyx and Israel to Aradale, a secret Rogue community, where they appear to be safe − for now. But did they bring the enemy with them? “Mini”, the strange and speechless young girl they rescued from the Hollows, is not as she seems. Why was Elder Michael keeping her locked up? What is she hiding?
Alyx and Israel are driven further apart as Israel continues to obsess over making Adere human and Alyx hides two secrets from him: that he may be part-demon and that she may be carrying his child, a tri-blood keye that can be used to unlock Hell.
Out in the mortal cities, pieces of Black Stone, the only material that can disrupt the angels’ healing abilities, continue to be stolen to make weapons for Samyara’s dark army. Alyx and her friends must stop them, but this means infiltrating holy and guarded places to steal the Black Stone − a monastery in remote China, a mosque in Saudi Arabia, an art gallery in Florence and a cathedral in Peru.
Can they win this deadly race against the Darkened?
Alyx and Israel are driven further apart as Israel continues to obsess over making Adere human and Alyx hides two secrets from him: that he may be part-demon and that she may be carrying his child, a tri-blood keye that can be used to unlock Hell.
Out in the mortal cities, pieces of Black Stone, the only material that can disrupt the angels’ healing abilities, continue to be stolen to make weapons for Samyara’s dark army. Alyx and her friends must stop them, but this means infiltrating holy and guarded places to steal the Black Stone − a monastery in remote China, a mosque in Saudi Arabia, an art gallery in Florence and a cathedral in Peru.
Can they win this deadly race against the Darkened?
The Review: 4.5 Stars!
Angelstone picks up right where Angelfall left us – Alyx, Israel, Jordan & Mini have all escaped with their lives but not to safety, not yet - for their battle is just beginning. As they journey to the rogue community, Jordan becomes a teacher to both Alyx & Israel separately as Alyx tries to master the dreamscape in order to be less vulnerable to Michael and Israel attempts to block the magic that left him feeling weak & vulnerable. Alyx is struggling with her feelings for Israel and even though she ended it at the end of the last book, she finds it hard to shut her emotions down and whilst Israel’s heart and attention seem to be solely on Adere – he can never truly be hers – plus there’s also a couple of secret issues to consider, tangling her thoughts and emotions. Jordan further complicates matters when he reveals he wants Alyx for himself. The trio seem to be at a stalemate, not able to move here nor there for complications. When they finally reach the rogue stronghold that Jordan calls home, Alyx, Israel & Mini are introduced to the rebellion. Using magic on Mini, we finally find out what Michael’s plans for the youngster were, how she was treat and how they want her but in uncovering Mini’s secrets, someone else’s secrets are in turn revealed…. So now Michael’s plans are found, so are Samyaras – to find the Black Stone and turn it into weapons against the Seraphim – so it’s up to the rogues/free thinkers to thwart their plan by beating them to the punch but will things run smoothly because just as much as the rogues hold information, so too does their enemy.
This was a great sequel, the action and plot really got moving for me and kept my interest all the way through. I really liked Alyx & Israel’s progression as characters both as a pair and alone. Alyx, whilst still kick ass, showed a softer more vulnerable side as her warring emotions came to the forefront, she is realising the depth of her feelings for Israel, comparing those with Jordan and she even took on a maternal role towards Mini. I loved to read this happen because she always seemed to be ever the warrior and I think it softens her and endears her more to the reader. Same with Israel, although I had never viewed him as weak we get an insight to the fact that he never thinks he is good enough and even makes attempts to rectify it which actually makes him seem braver in some ways, like he’s becoming more dominant and making people sit up and notice him. As a pair they could be unstoppable, they gel, they fit together like puzzle pieces but that doesn’t mean they will just do it, they have a lot more upheaval in their futures and their ‘relationship’ in whatever form it comes must be worked out as much as their own selves.
The plot was a lot more exciting for me and the pacing was spot on. I struggled with the first book for a while because there was a lot to get across but I knew that once that was over ,that things would pick up and Angelstone was solid all of the way through. I love it when a book keeps me on my toes and this did. I liked the introduction of the new characters and also the appearance of some old friends, each had something to give to the story whilst not distracting from the main characters. There are a good few questions from book one answered in this which was satisfying but also lead onto more questions about what’s to come. I think the whole storyline & the world that has been created are great, I love the diverse collection of people, I love the way they use magic. I even like how the bad guys roam the earth… it’s all quite unique, intriguing & exciting! I can’t wait to see where things will go now, especially following the ending we got in this – I suppose it can only get better because this definitely surpassed book one.

Angelfire will be FREE through Amazon for 28 May to 1 June 2013. Link HERE!
Angelstone will be on sale for US$0.99 for 31 May and 1 June only.
Except of Angelstone!
“So,” Israel said, “could I learn to defend myself against your magics?”
“Interesting.” Jordan made a small noise in his throat. “Could a mortal raise a defense against the magics?” Jordan began to pace. “Your only option against the elemental magics – fire, water, earth, air – is just to get the hell out of the way. But the Seraphim don’t need magics to defend themselves against mental magic attacks. DreamWalker and MemorySong can be deflected by using the defender’s own will, his or her inner power... theoretically, if a mortal’s mind was strong enough, they may be able to learn to raise their mental defenses in the same way.”
It sounded like this Rogue was issuing a challenge. “I’ll do it.” Bring it, Rogue-boy. “What do you want me to do?”
Jordan stopped pacing and spun so that he was facing Israel. Jordan looked at Israel in silence for long enough that Israel began to feel uncomfortable. There was almost a leer to Jordan’s stare. The side of Jordan’s lip tilted up. “Are you asking for my help, mortal?”
This cocky prick was going to make him say it. Israel grumbled a little before acquiescing. “Yes, Rogue, I am asking for your help.”
Jordan’s face broke out into a grin. Israel didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“On the basis that I think that this will be… an interesting experiment, I agree to help you.”
“On one condition.”
Of course there had to be a condition. “Which is?”
Jordan pursed his lips and stepped up to Israel. This Rogue was a few inches shorter than Israel, but he had this thing about him that made him seem bigger, taller, than he actually was. Israel lifted his chin higher.
“Which is?” Israel repeated. He wasn’t intimidated by this Rogue, magics or not.
“You’ll do exactly as I say, when I say it.”
“And no arguing with me.”
“You said one condition.”
Jordan narrowed his eyes. “And no arguing with me.”
Israel growled deep in his throat. “Fine. I accept your conditions.”
“I write about fantastical things, especially creatures with fangs, magic or wings.
I want to tell you tales that will rip away the glamor from your life, keep you running and fighting and gasping long past the devil’s hour and maybe, just maybe, reality will look a little bit different when you return.
Sit with me around this witchlight. Let me tell you a story.”
At the beginning of 2013, Hanna left her "respectable" career, packed up her life and sold everything except for what fit in a suitcase to be a full-time writer and go "gypsy-ing" across Europe. Even she thinks that she is a little crazy sometimes.
Hanna Peach is the author of Angelfire, book 1 of the Dark Angel series. Angelstone, (Dark Angel #2) is due for publication on 31 May 2013 and Angelsong (Dark Angel #3) is due late 2013.
Website: https://www.hannapeach.com